You’ve got your run outfit sorted; a nice sports top, a comfy sports legging and good running shoes. You are almost ready to go! There is just one essential item missing in this sports outfit: the right sports bra.
Why should you wear a sports bra whilst running?
A sports bra is designed to give your breast the extra support needed when exercising. Whilst running you make more movements which impact your breasts. With every step your breasts will bounce up and down, where especially the downward movements will have an effect on your boobs. If you wear the wrong sports bra (or even worse: no sports bra) when running, your boobs can in the long run loose their shape and start sagging. In the long run this can also affect your neck and upper back which could lead to sport injuries. Apart from this it is also more comfy to wear a sports bra when you go running as it will keep your boobs together.

Which sports bra should you wear for running?
Since running is an intensive sport we always recommend to choose a sports bra that offers maximum support. This advice applies to both women with bigger boobs and smaller boobs. As too much support can’t do any harm, but too little support can. With us these sports bras are the level 3 sports bras for high impact sports. Level 3 sport bras are especially designed to offer your boobs the most support.
4 tips for fitting a sport bra:
- A sport bra is supposed to feel tighter than a regular bra
Does your sport bra feel really tight? This is ok as long as you can still breath and your breasts do not start hurting. A sport bra is supposed to feel tighter than a regular bra in order to give the best support. We often tend to buy a bigger sport bra, but by doing so a sport bra looses its functionality. - Close a sport bra with a bra hook on the loosest hook
Does the sport bra have any bra hooks? Then close the sport bra on the loosest hook when fitting and check if it still tight. This way, when your sport bra slightly stretches over time, you will be able to adjust the bra hooks ensuring the right support. - Let’s move! Run and jump whilst fitting a sport bra
To test if your sport bra is comfortable and offers the right support you can go for a little run inside or do some jumping jacks. If your sport bra stays in place and feels comfortable you have a good fit! - Stretch your arms and check if the sport bra moves up. It does? You need a smaller size!
To check if your sport bra is tight enough you can stretch your arms above your head. If the sport bra moves up you need a smaller size. Does the sport bra have a cup size? Then it is also good to check the fitting of the cups. Is the cup size also not good? Then you could try on a sport bra in a smaller size. Does it have the right cup size? Then you could try a sport bra in a smaller size with a bigger cup.